We could all use a little more money in our wallets, and luckily, there are plenty of funny ways to save money that can help us out. In this blog post, we will discuss 40 different funny ways to save money that will make you laugh and help you bank some extra cash.
From funny tips on stopping to shower to funny ways to cut your expenses, we have got you covered! So without further ado, let’s jump right in and start saving some serious cash!
Heads up, some of these tips are just plain silly, outrageous, crazy, funny and maybe stupid but they might save you some moolah!!
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Funny Ways to Save Money #1. Stop Showering
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, one way is to stop showering. Now, we are not suggesting that you become a smelly hermit, but cutting back on your showers can save you both water and money on your energy bill.
One way to do this is to shower every other day instead of every day. Or, you could try cutting your shower time in half. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also get to enjoy some extra me-time!
Funny Ways to Save Money #2. Cut Your Own Hair:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, why not cut your own hair? This can be a great way to save a lot of money, as you will no longer have to pay for haircuts. You can find tutorials online or watched YouTube videos to learn how to cut your own hair.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely an awesome funny way to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #3. Flush Your Toilet Less:
This may sound crazy and funny, but flushing your toilet less can actually save you money! If you flush your toilet each time you use it, you are wasting a lot of water. Instead, try to only flush when necessary. This can be a great way to conserve water and save money on your utility bills.
Funny Ways to Save Money #4. Eat a Raw Diet:
If you are looking for a crazy and funny way to save money, why not try eating a raw diet? This can be a great way to save money on food, as you will no longer have to cook your meals. Instead, you can simply eat raw fruits and vegetables.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #5. Turn off your Air Conditioning:
Another funny way to save money is to turn off your air conditioning. This may not be the most comfortable option, but it can definitely help you save money on your utility bills. If it is too hot, try opening a window or using a fan instead.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #6. Find Toilet Paper Alternative:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, why not try finding a toilet paper alternative? There are many different options out there, such as using old newspapers or even leaves. Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to try to save money.
More Reading: Extreme Ways To Save Money
Funny Ways to Save Money ##7. Do Not Buy New Clothes:
A great way to save money is to simply not buy new clothes. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead, try to wear clothes that you already have or borrow clothes from friends and family.
Funny Ways to Save Money #8. Get Rid of your Car:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, why not get rid of your car? This may sound crazy, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of paying for gas, insurance, and maintenance, you can simply use public transportation or ride your bike.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to try to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #9. Do Not Eat Out:
A great way to save money is to simply not eat out. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of eating out, try to cook your own meals at home. You will be surprised at how much money you can save by doing this!
Funny Ways to Save Money #10. Do Not Drink Alcohol:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, why not try not drinking alcohol? This may sound too crazy, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying alcoholic beverages, try to drink water or juice instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #11. Do Not Go to the Movies:
Another great way to save money is to simply not go to the movies. This may not sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of going to the movies, try renting a movie or watching one at home.
Funny Ways to Save Money #12. Do Not Go Shopping:
A great way to save money is to simply not go shopping. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of going shopping, try to stay at home and do something else.
Funny Ways to Save Money #13. Do Not Use Your Credit Card:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try not using your credit card. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of using your credit card, try to use cash instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #14. Do Not Buy Coffee:
Another great way to save money is to simply not buy coffee. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying coffee, try to make your own coffee at home.
Funny Ways to Save Money #15. Do Not Turn on the Lights:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, why not try not turning on the lights? This may sound crazy, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of turning on the lights, try to use natural light instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #16. Do Not Use Your Heater:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try not using your heater. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of using your heater, try to dress warmly or use a blanket instead.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to try to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #17. Don’t Buy Gifts During Holidays:
A great way to save money is to simply not buy gifts during holidays. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying gifts, try making your own or giving something that you already have.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to try to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #18. Reuse Everything:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try reusing everything. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying new things, try to reuse old things that you already have.
Funny Ways to Save Money #19. Don’t Get Unwell:
A great way to save money is to simply not get unwell. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of going to the doctor, try to take care of yourself and use natural remedies instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #20. Take Fewer Showers:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try taking fewer showers. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of taking long showers, try to take shorter showers or baths instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #21. Go on a Spending Freeze Forever:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try going on a spending freeze forever. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying things that you want, try to live without them and save money instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #22. Visit Your Family & Friends during Meals:
A great way to save money is to visit your family and friends during meals. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of going out to eat, try to visit your family and friends for meals instead.
Of course, this may not be the best option for everyone, but it is definitely a funny way to try to save money!
Funny Ways to Save Money #23. Collect Rain Water/Re-use water:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try collecting rainwater or reusing water. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of using fresh water, try to collect rainwater or reuse old water instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #24. Use Urine as Fertilizer in Your Garden:
If you are looking for a funny way to save money, try using urine as fertilizer in your garden. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying fertilizer, try using urine as fertilizer instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #25. Trash Dive for Food:
This is perhaps the most disgusting, crazy, funny way to save money but it definitely works. Dumpster diving or trash diving for food may not be the most appealing option but if you are able to get over the ick-factor, you can find a lot of edible food that has been thrown away.
Funny Ways to Save Money #26. Use Coupons for Everything:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try using coupons for everything. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying things full price, try to use coupons whenever possible.
Funny Ways to Save Money #27. Look for Free Food Samples at your Local Supermarket:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try looking for free food samples at your local supermarket. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying food, try to look for free food samples instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #28. Go Vegetarian or Vegan:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try going vegetarian or vegan. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying meat, try to eat vegetables and fruits instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #29. Grow your Own Food:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try growing your own food. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying food, try to grow your own food instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #30. Join a Community Supported Agriculture(CSA):
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try joining a CSA. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying food, try to join a CSA and get your food for free.
Funny Ways to Save Money #31. Compost your Food Scraps:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try composting your food scraps. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of throwing away your food scraps, try to compost them instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #32. Do a Food Swap:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try doing a food swap. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying food, try to do a food swap and get free food.
Funny Ways to Save Money #33. Go Hunting or Fishing:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try going hunting or fishing. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying meat, try to go hunting or fishing and get your meat for free.
Funny Ways to Save Money #34. Raise Chickens:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try raising chickens. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying eggs, try to raise chickens and get your eggs for free.
Funny Ways to Save Money #35. Join a Cow-Share:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try joining a cow-share. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying milk, try to join a cow-share and get your milk for free.
Funny Ways to Save Money #36. Eat Less:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try eating less. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of eating three meals a day, try to eat two meals a day instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #37. Make your Own Cleaning Products:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try making your own cleaning products. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying cleaning products, try to make your own cleaning products instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #38. Make your Own Beauty Products:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try making your own beauty products. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of buying beauty products, try to make your own beauty products instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #39. Use Reusable Products:
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try using reusable products. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of using disposable products, try to use reusable products instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #40. Save your Pennies.
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, try saving your pennies. This may sound funny, but it can definitely help you save a lot of money. Instead of spending your pennies, try to save them instead.
Funny Ways to Save Money #41. Stop Drinking Coffee.
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, one way is to stop drinking coffee. Coffee can be pretty pricey, especially if you are buying it every day.
So why not save yourself some money and ditch the coffee habit? There are plenty of other ways to get your caffeine fix, such as tea or energy drinks. So save yourself some cash and kick the coffee habit!
Funny Ways to Save Money #42. Quit Your Gym Membership.
If you are looking for funny ways to save money, another way is to quit your gym membership. We all know that gym memberships can be pretty pricey, so why not save yourself some money and cancel yours?
There are plenty of ways to get exercise for free, such as going for a run outside or working out at home. So save yourself some money and ditch the gym membership!
More Reading: Things to Stop Buying To Save Money
These are just some funny ways to save money. Try out these tips and see how much money you can save.
By following these funny ways to save money, you will be sure to bank some extra cash. So what are you waiting for? Start saving today!
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Final Thoughts – 42 Funny Ways To Save Money
We hope that these funny ways to save money have helped you to see that there are many different ways to save money.
While some of these tips may seem funny, they can actually help you to bank some extra cash. So start implementing these tips today and watch your savings grow!
Over To You
What are some of your favorite funny ways to save money? Share them with us in the comments below!
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